Breaking Blocks (Can you break 'em all ?)

Hi, I hope y’all are doing great! So excited to share my game with y’all!
It’s called ’ Breaking Blocks ’ ! (after Breaking Bad xD )

You got 3 lives at each level! But it isn’t that easy.
Do you think you could reach the last level ?
Go check it out and give it your best shot !

Here are the links for my game :


    (You can even download my game from the above link)

I hope y’all like the game and I’d really love some feedback : )
~ (or maybe comment down your scores !)

Thank you !


Pat yourself on the back! This is an amazing accomplishment! :partying_face:

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Thank you so much Sir !
Your positive words really keep me going.
Would come up with a much better game in the upcoming sections : )

“Oh no!” - Game over :frowning:
I honestly enjoyed the Devil’s voice!
Gameplay is fun. Good job!

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Thank you Patricia :heart:
I’m glad you liked it !!

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