Bowling Pin and Ball in same scene

Ha! Ha!

Looking nice

While I wasn’t creative with the colors (I dig yellow), I feel I got the hang of this entire exercise up to this point. I work with Bezier curves all the time in Illustrator and Photoshop. I like to see they’re just as powerful in Blender.

I’m excited to see what more I can do with collider meshes.

The ball and pins look great and that floor completes the picture. Great job!

Hey there! I too had to do another take to get the bowling ball holes more proportionate! I am very happy I did :slight_smile: I am much happier with my re-do!

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It seems like the bowling ball has some scary story to tell :smile:
The scale is approximatively 3.8 B.U. for the pin and 2.17 B.U. in diameter for the ball, I don’t know the size of the holes but it looks okay to me.

Enjoy !

My Bowling Scene,
I accidentally did the scene in cycles mode, And I muffed up the finger placement on the bowling ball

Here is my bowling alley! That was fun!

Here’s another for you all to see.

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