Block Breaker - Cemetary Quest

So this is my full version of the block breaker type game. Filled with 13 levels of quick actions and reflexes. For me the game speed suites just fine, but I know for some it might be too quick and the levels might not be that easy, but trust me they are all playable, but as always there might be some bugs I havent discovered yet.
I tried to add lives and powerups, but didnt get them working properly and time to move on with the other lecture so will come back to this game someday later to add lives system and power ups.
Btw Cemetary is not a typo since I thought Cemetery Quest probably exists somewhere so the game is about a cemetery called Cemetary =P
The video here is from a 1920x1080 windows build I made for my son to play. The web based one doesnt have the background and has a different game theme, but otherwise it is the same game. ENJOY AND HAVE FUN :slight_smile:


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