Beat Breaker

I planned on spending a weekend on this and ended up working on it for more than two weeks haha. I learned a lot while making it though. Let me know what you think!


I can believe that you spend a lot of time on this game, but it was worth it.
The concept is awesome. There are two things though. The “dancing” of the light is somewhat intense for the eyes, so not everyone will be able to enjoy it fully. When you lose, “Ricks” paddle comes through. You might want to change that:)
The game itself and the menu, as I said, is highly well done. Congrats on it!

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First of all, Welcome!
This is a pretty cool and oh so juicy game! When my mouse went over the play button I thought “Man this game’s gonna have satisfying sounds” and it not disappoint. I love the extra features you put in. I have to admit that last level game me trouble and I was relieved that there was no game over screen haha :sweat_smile:
When you win at the end I really like the slow motion and the camera shake with the sound and particle effects. The whole game feels nice to play.

Really cool game, can’t wait to see your next projects :blush:


Wow ! I love this. Has a futuristic feel. Very slick and synths sound great. Excellent game well done !

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@Patricia Thanks for the feedback! I was a little worried that the lights might be too intense, I might tone it down a bit. When you lose there’s an effect that bends the colors at the edges of the screen, but it does look a lot like Rick’s paddle haha :laughing: I might tone that down a little too.

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@Carre Thank you! I’m impressed you beat it :+1: I spent way too long on that ending transition haha, I’m glad someone actually saw it.

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@louise_collins Thank you!!!

Wow, way to make a first post with all guns blazing! Welcome!

I enjoyed this so much that I played to completion and then immediately played again to a second completion. I’m probably going for another round when I finish typing this.

Very wise decision to have unlimited lives/continues; the gameplay is fun and the dynamic barriers/bricks are a good challenge, but the music and visual experience was what appealed to me the most and a Game Over would’ve been an unwelcome interruption. As it is I wasn’t even bothered when I messed up and reset the level.

You did an amazing job and I’m looking forward to your next projects.


@David_Gibbs Wow, thanks for the kind words!!! I’m really glad you enjoyed it!

I love the music integration within the levels elements. The lights are a bit intense, but I loved it. I didn’t play past the second level.

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I keep going back to it because the game is so good. The way the blocks flash in sync to the beat is awesome. I also like the way the unbreakable barriers change vertical/horizontal. This really adds movement to the game.

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@gvn8er and @louise_collins Thank you for the nice comments!

Small update: I toned down the intensity of the flashing lights a little bit, so hopefully it’s a little easier on the eyes. (Also added a flashing lights warning.) Really appreciate all of the feedback!

I loved the warning, it gives the game a mysterious touch:p
The lights unfortunately are still a bit too intense for me, but don’t tone them down again. They are part of the game and it is brilliant partially because they are in it.
What you did forget though was Rick’s paddle…
Congrats again, it is one of the best games I’ve seen on here!

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@Patricia Glad you liked the warning haha :rotating_light:
I did end up toning down the “lose” color effect a little bit. I like the overall effect it gives, even though it still makes the paddle look a little like Rick’s paddle. Let’s just call it an easter egg :smile:
Thanks again for the feedback!

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I just played again today and the lights are much better. They more like atmosphere rather than a feature now. Unfortunately I am really bad at videogames so I didn’t make it past the 3rd level. Very cool. It’s perfect in it’s simplicity.

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WOW! I mean, WOW! this is incredible! its awesome to see what people created from this project! this is such a fun and satisfying play, I would pay for that experience.

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@richardm26 Thanks!!!

Amazing work!

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This is sooooo goood. Loved every bit of it. The minimal feel of the game, swapping blocks, the lighting, effects are a bang onn. Despite all those mechanics, the game looks so neat and simple yet feels like there are so many elements. A very well composed game. Keep up the amazing work :heart_eyes: :100:

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Incredible! Legit an amazing game. Was worth every second that you worked on it.

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