Welcome to the Unreal Engine Developer

Hi guys, call me Joe.
I really like 2D platformer games and horror games, exited to make some!!
I´m from Mexico, and some of my friends are also planning on making a game soon


Hey everyone!
My name is Josh. Games have been more than a past time since the first time I played the MGS demo off of a Pizza Hut pizza box almost two decades ago! Now that I am out of the service, I plan to build my own worlds for everyone to experience and enjoy! Super excited to learn C++!


Navy Vet here too bro! Good Luck!


Hi. Good to see people are still taking this course. I’m currently in school aiming for a CompSci degree with a gaming concentration. I’m taking this course to get a jump start on that and also to begin putting a game I have in mind in motion. I’ve used Unity to a small extent, and want to expand my skillset with this. Already know C++ on an intermediate level, but I also took this course to keep it fresh in my mind since I’m currently too busy with a math class to program on a daily basis.


Hey Everyone,

My name is Tom though most people call me Cheese. I’m a PC gamer who works in the computer industry and am looking to learn more about game development to make my own games as it’s always been a dream of mine. I’m American who’s living overseas in the UK for the last few years and am a Army Vet out for the last 15 years or so. Looking forward to talking with everyone and making something other people can enjoy.


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RSI fan here, I’ve picked up about 20 ships now with lifetime so I’m not visiting their site as much due to my purchasing habits.

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Hey everybody,

My name is Marc, and I’m currently living in Miami. I completed an online Bachelor of Game Design program in 2012, and am now taking this course to brush up on old skills, develop some new ones, and familiarize myself with Unreal 4 and C++, with the ultimate goal of pursuing a career in the game industry. I’m really looking forward to this course!

Hello, my name is Cody and I live in a village in Louisiana. First time doing any coursework for game development or coding and hoping to make a new skill that can get me out of this place. Enjoying the course so far and look forward to the rest.

Hello Everyone! My name is Brandon and I am from the greater Los Angeles area. I have a couple years of experience in the video game industry doing QA. I felt like it was time to grow my skills and finally start to dip my toes in the water with coding and development. I’m excited to learn some new skills and hopefully advance my career in the future. :slight_smile:

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Hello ! I’m Quentin and I’m from France. I graduated from a Game Design school in Paris and I’ve done some QA in the game industry. I wanted to gain some new skills to make me better at my job and maybe gain access to other jobs as well.

And it’s about time I resume the lesson, cheers :slight_smile:

Hello, I’m Gustav. Guess where I’m from :yum: It’s Sweden!

19 years old turning 20 this autumn, I finished high school about a year ago, which is where I got most of my programming experience from, (Mostly JavaScript, a bit of PHP). I’ve also taken a C#.NET course on my own which finished this June, and now I’m doing an internship.

I have some experience with C++, but it was a while since I last made anything in it. So I want to both freshen up my skills and I’ve been interested in Unreal ever since it turned open-source, so I figured it would be a good fit.

Hope to see you around :slight_smile:

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Hi, my name is Jean Velez, currently 20 years old and I am from Puerto Rico.

I’ve played videogames since I was in diapers, and there was a time I wanted to study the arts of videogame developing.
I’m actually studying music education with a minor in history, but still remain an avid seeker of knowledge. No experience background whatsoever in coding, developing or any of the sort. Still I’m hopeful I will get something out of this course.

Good to meet everybody here.

Hi, My name is Garrett, I’m from Belfast and i am using this course to better myself.

Hi Everyone,

My name is Paul, 30 years old living in Edinburgh, Scotland. Been using Apple computers since I was 2 years old and self-taught myself some basic C when I was 8 years old. Crafted a program which picked out lottery numbers for the family; made a nice £300 when we got five of them!

Got back into gaming recently but, like a previous commenter said, not seeing the type of games I’d like to play. Therefore wanting to gain the skills so i can try create them myself!

Hey people!

My name is Medas, 20 year old student from Lithuania. At the university I chose to study software engineering, in hopes of getting programming knowledge and sometime later start creating game related content and games themselves. Since my parents don’t like whenever I use the computer to play games, I don’t really tell them my real plans and dreams, because they probably wouldn’t support me. Anyway, I loved gaming since I was 3 years old (loved to watch my brother play), however my parents let me play myself only a few years later. I’m not a hardcore gamer really, but still, I had quite a few ideas about what games I would love to play myself, what game mechanics I would enjoy, so I think I should be able to create at least one successful game. A random Udemy advertisement reminded me of what I actually wanted to do so here I am!

Feel free to chat with me if you need anything or maybe if you’re feeling lonely and bored :slight_smile:

Hey everyone,
My name is Nino, i am from Lima, Peru. Spanish is my first language and i do understand English well enough to get everything Ben and Sam say =D. I’ve been playing Video games since i was 2 years old therefore playing Vg’s has been the thing i love to do the most! I am in the process of learning more and more about Game Design wich is the topic i love the most in the production of a Video game, so if someone wants some good info about Game Design i can help. Since i saw the course i got in love with the idea of learning C++ specially if we are going to learn to use it in Unreal Enginge, wich i am learning to use as well (the easy way without coding haha) with another course.
My English grammar still sucks haha but i can speak and understand it pretty well.
If someone knows spanish then we can have a great talk about what we have learned or already know about Video Game Development to share experiences!

GL to everyone and i hope you have fun with the course!

Btw, if you dont have a rubber duck as Sam recommends, get a Yoda puppet, this dude works, i tried my Cookie Monster Puppet but his eyes scared the S#%&! out of me so…just get something, they really help you out true the course.

Hello all,

I’m Tiago Candeias from Lisbon Portugal. I’m currently making a master in computer science, and decided to take this course since I always had a big interest in gaming and game development.
I want to learn the basics and get some know how to begin exploring the potential of unreal and other gaming engines.


Hi all,

I’m Andy from England, Cambrideshire. I’m learning this course as a way to gain a greater understanding of game development and hopefully can use it to complement my creative writing skills (which I have a degree in). Coding wise, I’m comfortable with XML and a bit of CSS and HTML, so this is a new beast for me!

Hello World !

I’m Shihab from Alexandria, Egypt. I’m the enthusiast entrepreneur who love games. Working to have a gaming studio one day and make art that liberates people from worries and get them to live in an exciting new adventures and brand new experiences. Still looking for a team that shares me the same vision…

return Love;

I’m Daniel from Washington State in the USA!

I am starting out with this as a hobby, creating games, but I’d love to turn it into something more later. I’m currently working on a space combat game and I’ve hit a few roadblocks that I really hope this course will help me get around. I’d love nothing more than to create a game that the players find a way to break so I have to go back and fix it again. :slight_smile:

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