Was trying to go for a cross-hair sort of look but ended up expanding it to something that I feel like I’d see on the roof of a church or Renaissance building
I didn’t have any idea for this, so I went classic.
I just dabbled. There are some amazing ones in here!!
bw line exercise
with acne
I saw people were adding color, so here’s a woven radial rug kinda thing, with and without shades of blue.
I was also idly scribbling during the lecture and wound up spinning it off into a detailed flower
I took some inspiration from the tiles i had at home just a little bit.
Don’t trip or stare.
I tried making it like that illusion if you stare at it too long and then look away you still see it.
After looking at it a bit more with it stacked next to each other, it reminds me of a guitar strap I once owned!
Also this guy because why not.
Here’s my geometric pattern!
Hey guys, This is my pattern with straight lines. Enjoyed while doing it