[BattleTank] Tracks not moving after sideways friction lesson

What the title says. After the “Programmatic Sideways Friction” lesson, the tracks stop moving all-together for all my tanks, regardless if being handled by AI or the player.

Things I’ve tried that didn’t worked:
-Deleting and creating new tracks, after making the changes
-Deleting the tracks, making the changes, and adding new tracks
-Regenerating the project

I even tried taking it step by step, but the error manifests after creating the TankTrack constructor with the “PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;”. What’s weirder is that If I create the constructor empty, the error doesn’t happen. But if I add the line, compile, then delete the line and re-compile, the error happens again.

Anyone has encountered something like this before?

Could I take a look at your project?

Sure. Here’s the link to a repo https://github.com/manuati/BattleTankBackup . And sorry for the wait. I had some git problems and had to upload everything to a different repo. Thanks for the help

Seems to be working fine for me. Though you’re missing Super::BeginPlay in the aiming component.

I suggest you try rebuilding.

Welp, I managed to do a work-around setting the parameters and invoking the tick function through the TankMovementComponent tick function. An ugly workaround, but a work-around in the end.

Thank you for your help, DanM

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