Answering the Math Question "9-3÷⅓+1"

Hi, my math is at a stupid level so i’ll bring it on.

So we have got this [

first, we can go like that

then we can go like that


So finally we can do this:


so, (9-3+1)/3
And, finally 7/3 = 2.3periodic

Hi @KrisGer, great work giving this a go!
I’m not sure what you’re doing in the first few steps but you can’t remove the division by converting everything into fractions. Also remember that if you multiply one term you have to do the same to all of them.
Here’s the correct way to approach the problem:

  9 - (3 ÷ 1/3) + 1
= 9 - (3 * 3/1) + 1   <- invert and multiply
= 9 - (3 * 3) + 1     
= 9 - 9 + 1           <- solve the multiplication step
= 1                   <- solve the addition/subtraction from left to right

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