An unpolished version of my Termial Hacker game

Hello Everyone. Here is my terminal Hacker game.

I didn’t put too much thought into the theme of the words, or even the ascii art. I admit I was kind of rushing this section. I have done many programming turorials, here and there in the passt, and this was mostly review for me. I am happy that I did the review. I just didn’t want to spend too much time designing themes, as I wanted to hurry up and move on to the next sections. Maybe this is a bad habit.

I was also very hesitant on even sharing the game, but while watching the video “Share online and playtest” I agreed that it is a good habit to share my stuff, as I have a tendancy to not share things that I do. So although this isn’t the most polished game (It works great, I just didn’t make it as pretty and thematic as I could have) I am trying to fight my resistance to sharing and posting in forums.

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