Alternative implementation using properties and indexer

This implements the PlayerPreferences as an Options class that provides a get and set interface for each of the preferences.

print (Options.masterVolume);
Options.masterVolume = 0.3f;
print (Options.masterVolume);

print (Options.difficulty);
Options.difficulty = 2;
print (Options.difficulty);

The levelUnlocked is implemented as an indexer property allowing e.g.:

print (Options.levelUnlocked[2]);
Options.levelUnlocked[2] = true;
print (Options.levelUnlocked[2]);

Here’s Options.cs

using UnityEngine;

public static class Options

    // PlayerPreference manager implemented as Static class
    // using Properties with get and set and an indexer
    // for the levelUnlocked property

    public static LevelUnlocked LevelUnlocked = new LevelUnlocked();

    public static float masterVolume
            return PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(MASTER_VOLUME);
            if (value >= 0f && value <= 1f)
                PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(MASTER_VOLUME, value);
                Debug.LogError("Master Volume out of range");

    public static int difficulty
            return PlayerPrefs.GetInt(DIFFICULTY);
            if (value >= 1 && value <= 3)
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(DIFFICULTY, value);
                Debug.LogError("Difficulty out of range");

    // Private constants
    private const string MASTER_VOLUME = "masterVolume";
    private const string DIFFICULTY = "dfficulty";

And here’s LevelUnlocked.cs

using UnityEngine;

public class LevelUnlocked
    This class allows for storing a boolean unlocked condition
    using int values in Unity's PlayerPrefs.
    It provides an indexer user interface alllowing
    get and set access with the level nr as index:.
        Options.levelUnlocked[level] = true;
    private const int NR_OF_LEVELS = 3;
    private const string LEVEL_UNLOCKED = "level_unlocked_";
    // bool[] _unlocked = new bool[NR_OF_LEVELS];
    public bool this[int level]
            if (validLevelNr(level))
                var key = LEVEL_UNLOCKED + level.ToString();
                var val = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key);
                return val == 1;
            return false;
            if (validLevelNr(level))
                var key = LEVEL_UNLOCKED + level.ToString();
                var val = value ? 1 : 0;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, val);

    private bool validLevelNr(int level)
        if (level < 1 || level > NR_OF_LEVELS)
            Debug.LogError("Level < 1 || level > NR_OF_LEVELS : " + level);
            return false;
            return true;

Nice modification over there, helps to keep things tidy. I’ve done the options as an prefab that changes the timescale to 0 when called and then set it back once you are done with it, the good thing is that you can pause and change it in the middle of the game

Care to post your code?
Sounds very interesting!

Sure, later today or tomorrow I will share it

Sorry about the delay, I decided to finish my glitch garden version first so I can show and explain this option mechanic in the same topic, I will be pasting a link to it here too once it is done


Just take your time, I’m busy elsewhere :wink:


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Hey @guivho,

I have just posted it Here
Better late than never!! :joy:

Thanks, Johnny

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