All the Pieces All Lined Up

I just want to say to anyone feeling lost on this challenge: Have you ever gotten an F/0/1/your lowest grade ------ (read: a looooong minus) for a maths exam? Well, I have. Quite unforgettable. Having imparted that information, I move on.

I like this idea of creating simple, perfectly joinable blocks that I can then scale up and down and modify to my heart’s content. I tried to create the triangles from single verts in ortho view, using the “show length” as my guide, but getting everything spot on proved impossible. The positioning of the vertices was always just a fraction off, so I guess you could make almost-good-enough triangles in that method, but not absolutely accurate.

I feel like I understood why we did what we were doing, even if I got lost here and there. That makes me feel a little bit adrift at sea, because what if I need to do these triangles again and I forget how? Yes, there is wikipedia but I wish there was a slide with quick, layman-friendly instructions to creating these triangles. Just a small slide with some bullet points. DO THIS type thing. Yanno? :sweat_smile:

Hi, I know this feeling, lol, i has lowest grade, i has lowest grade in math, but this did not stop me from getting a higher score for higher mathematics and probability theory later) :smile:
Аs for triangles, well, there are many cheating ways to do this without mathematics, at least you know how to do it.

Here you can enter as from a small number of modular stage blocks do, yes this is the level of pros, but is there anything to strive for?)

Here in practice it is shown how modularity is used at 9000%, it can now be difficult to understand, but most will in truth not be clear, but the general idea can be gleaned.

Simply, this course for me was the starting point) Without it, I would not have succeeded, even start.

Hi Jakarta and thanks for you reply!

That is truly amazing and inspirational! I do believe that failing maths does not mean that you are necessarily irrevocably hopeless at it but it must mean that one has lost the plot at some early stage. That is why I’m amazed at the dedication you must have had to focus on math despite that (or maybe you just had a bad teacher?). You must really love numbers. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the links, too. It’s always good to see what can be done when you’re good and experienced enough. It fills you with energy and the will to be as good or better! :laughing: That modular level design link was actually really useful. So much stuff I never knew! I would recommend it to anyone. I think I’ll watch it again, later. In any case, I’m glad I got to see it now, before I have started doing anything with my own blocks.

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