Add more wall pieces, or just stretch the first one?

Dumb question.

Ben added the wall with the door, and then added two more regular wall panels to make it to the edge. He compressed the second piece to fix the corner.

Would it have been wrong to stretch the first plain wall section he added to take up the entire side? Why add a second piece? Is it something to do with applying materials?

Just come here to ask the same, but someone already asked that question and get an answer:

It seems logical, but I’m not 100% satisfied with the answer…

I would rather stretch one wall (or using one that covers all the length of the floor without need of stretching), and if you want to modify, just delete that one wall (the other way maybe you would end deleting all 3 walls…)

No, searching for this elsewhere revealed that this type of object stretches the mesh applied to it when the object itself is stretched. There are ways around this, but basically, would require creating a new mesh to match the new size.

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