About 'The Array Modifier Basics'!

Monkey-Goyals, Bridge Inhabitants

9 Monkey-Goyals, and Only One Street Light



Question… @Michael_Bridges

Hi Michael,

  1. Why didn’t you apply the boolean modifier? I think its going to be alot easier…

  2. If i already apply the boolean modifier, is it going to be trouble in the following lectures?

  3. One of the modifier that’s most frequently used is subsurf, when using boolean the mesh is joined together and mess up the subsurf modifier. So sometimes modeller chose to avoid boolean (from blender guru tutorial). Can you tell me how to fix the mess up mesh? And how actually boolean is used in production?



Spent a little more time playing with the lighting and got it looking a little better

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Ooo I like that design!

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I know your question is kind of old now, and you’ve probably figured it out by now. But just in case someone else has the same question:

I believe the relative offset does not count meters, but rather widths of your object (or depth or height, depending on if it’s on the x, y, or z axis). So a relative offset of 1 on the x axis would put it 1 lamp-post-width away in the x direction, a relative offset of 2 puts it 2 lamp-post-widths away (or front or top, depending on if it’s on the x, y, or z axis), and so on. Thinking that way, it wasn’t 11 meters away, but rather 11 lamp-post widths away.

Hope that helps somebody!


Thanks and your explanation really helps! Thanks!!

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I think my dimension are wrong!
Well it’s an concept.
Looking for a composition that is logical and pleasant. Are there cars, people, bikes, etc. City? highway?

minus: How many times you will looking at a bridge in the situation? On a boat, on shore?

Changing point of view.
Plus: I do not need the design arch ways.

Note: Funny thing, after this lesson, there is a “First Instructor Hangout” video. Just pointing to the same questions I had. What does this bridge environment do, where is it used for.
I found it funny. Just letting you know :wink:

Happy render


Already copied (and tweaked…) the lights manually. Looking forward to learn how to avoid having to do that.

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Loving the other bridges. Those give me a lot of inspiration on improvements :slight_smile:

Happy Blendering all!

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Nice idea. Looks like a roman aquaduct.


I like the idea of having the lamp post outside the bridge road.
But maybe for lamp maintenance/repair an issue (but who cares).
Love your arc too.

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