About 'Text101 Instructor Hangout #1'!

That was super helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for taking time to discuss the matters and giving learners a good sense of comfort knowing that it is okay to not know exactly why we are doing everything we are doing.

My biggest takeaway was the part about training the eye to see the Unity type of something, colored, versus a lower case variable.



Would it be possible to have different fonts or colors in the states? It would be cool to keep the narration a different color than the dialog.

Loved it, and thank you guys! :smiley:

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Great to see some of the things we have be working with from another perspective.
Really enjoying this course :slight_smile:

Really appreciate the extra time to dig into the things that I always question to myself and hear a second hand look as to why the code is the way it is. Thanks guys!

Hey, so far I’m enjoying the course! The reassurance that I don’t have to know exactly what’s happening is helpful, as is the estimation of when I’ll have a better grasp of things. Would definitely like more dialogue videos like this, and also a course about gameplay/mechanics design would be great. I feel like I have a better understanding of how bells and whistles can make play feel juicy (ex: a microstutter on a critical hit combined with particularly crunchy sfx) than I do of solid core mechanics. Even a general thing that has a series of questions and ideas to think about while playing something I admire would be helpful.

Hello there ,

Instructor hangouts have been quite helpful . Quite a few things were fuzzy until I watched the hangout video and I went back to previous lectures , which made a huge difference.
I tend to look up a lot of info about C# and end up confused so its relieving to know that we don’t have to know everything.
Learning through examples helps a lot so I’m looking forward to those, if possible. Other than that , I\m pretty happy with this course.


I’ve enjoyed the course so far - can’t wait to learn more!

Side note, and I hope this may be of help to others - when typing up code, especially something you don’t quite understand - add comment lines to it in your script, and type the explanation that Rick or Ben (or other tutors) give. This way, when going back to your script, these little comments will remind you what each section or line do.

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great hangout on formating i agree with ben but think readability should be considered first. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hi all, thanks so much for this instructor hangout - it has been so helpful to have a different viewpoint and an overview of which things to capitalise and a rundown of types, instances etc. As a suggestion, it would be great to get a cheat sheet for these kind of things, which from a dyslexic standpoint, I would find extremely useful.

Also, I would just like to say that I’m really loving this course, great job!

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I’m glad you’re taking an extra moment to give a better understanding of what’s going on, not just involving copy-pasting in your course. And here are a couple of things which, in my opinion, can complement this understanding:

  1. How the line " textComponent.text = state.StoryText" from our AdventureGame script actually outputs information to a player`s screen. As I got it, since we made textComponent field of the script refer to the actual text object from our scene, when the game launches, it “overloads” (if this is a word here) the placeholder text, that was there before, with the startingState story text, i.e replaces it. Correct me if I’m wrong, please.
  2. Which fields we need to serialize. Then again, as I got it, we need to differentiate between input variables which are serialized fields, and “running” variables like “State state” in our script, which we need to reassign every time we want our game to change its behaviour, i.e state.


Thank you very much for the course, I really appreciate it.
Before I go on with the next section of the course, I’d like to work a bit more on my little text adventure to get a better understanding.

I’d really like to add two things to my adventure, I hope its OK to ask these questions here, if not, please tell me where to go.

1: What would be the most practical way to introduce text formatting for the text of my storyText states?
For example writing part of the text in bold letters.
It would be great to be able to do this directly in unity.

2: How can I introduce “modifiers” to my states, without making multiple versions for my states?
Example A: The player picked up a key (not mandatory) in a previous room. Somewhere in the future the player can use this key, instead of breaking the door.
Example B: The Player can choose character classes at the start of the game. “The thief” could pick the lock, “The warrior” could break the door.

Thank you very much!


Hi guys

Thanks for all of your effort to present a very good learning content and material.

I reached this lesson today and because I’m hearing Ben’s talking for the second time through the course, I would suggest the following.
Try to slow down a bit when you describing a piece of information. When combining an intense or hard content with a speed narration, learners will experience cognitive overload. Thus, resulting with a weak retention.

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Yes, scriptable objects make this Text101 game so much easier. Thanks for the vid.

I’m a bit picky with consistency too, but if I ever work on code with someone else, I’ll try to be tolerant of other people’s styles.

I do feel like I’m writing a book a bit with my own project. I try a bit too hard sometimes and bite off more than I can chew (I made a fairly long and complex flow chart). Also, my first story slide took up a whole slide with pretty small font, but I’m stubborn and want to finish it in a complete and polished manner.

Hit me up if you like to write stories.

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Hello I have this little problem with my game and dont know how to solve it.

Assets\Scripts\AdventureGame.cs(7,14): error CS0101: The namespace ‘’ already contains a definition for ‘AdventureGame’

Great dicussion!!
Its a kind of a video which lightens your brain.
For example I undestood all the topics but I was worried wheather I will be able to make the decisions or not. But after watching this discussion video now I am not worried about that.
Great work…

I am honestly loving the course!!!
The greatest teachers are the ones who encourage you to understand by challenging you and that way they keep you engaged!
So far I haven’t had any trouble, of course some concepts are a tad confusing, but I guess programming is confusing in its essence, haha.
But anyway I just wanted to tell you that it would have been nice for you to show us how to program Textmesh Pro Text
I looked it up and found it (BTW) and it’s so much better than regular text fields!!
Anyway thanks guys I’m truly excited to keep learning!

Hi! I’m super happy about the course so far. I really like how the course is structured, it’s easy to follow and feels meaningful. The instructor hangout was great too, it’s always nice to hear another take on how and why certain things work how they do. At least I learn better the more angles I have on a subject.

I wish there was a course on how to make UI that doesn’t look horrible. I’d need that :smiley:

I am loving the attention to detail given so far. Also, the instructor has made this learning interesting and fun. This is the first programming course I have actually looked forward to working with each day.

The instructor hangout is a wonderful way to answer some extra questions we may have had. I have taken from this one how important it is to learn to read different code styles. Keep it up, guys!

So far the course is really well structured and while I do have questions, it’s nice to have those broadly answered in these instructor hangouts. Just knowing that we are getting an overview and then diving into details later was a relief.

“Strive for consistency in the code you write but forgive inconsistency in others” is a really positive message. I work with a lot of devs at my workplace and this is something that is forgotten. Cheers =]

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