Thank you very much for the course, I really appreciate it.
Before I go on with the next section of the course, I’d like to work a bit more on my little text adventure to get a better understanding.
I’d really like to add two things to my adventure, I hope its OK to ask these questions here, if not, please tell me where to go.
1: What would be the most practical way to introduce text formatting for the text of my storyText states?
For example writing part of the text in bold letters.
It would be great to be able to do this directly in unity.
2: How can I introduce “modifiers” to my states, without making multiple versions for my states?
Example A: The player picked up a key (not mandatory) in a previous room. Somewhere in the future the player can use this key, instead of breaking the door.
Example B: The Player can choose character classes at the start of the game. “The thief” could pick the lock, “The warrior” could break the door.
Thank you very much!