About 'Project Tidying Checklist'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Organise Assets folder.
  2. Check right game objects have prefabs.
  3. Scan read code looking for major errors.
  4. Discuss idea of running the game from any scene.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

When returning to a project, or switching modes from designer to coder, you should be able to tidy your project, and feel ready to dive back into the code.

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I would work on creating collision detection to the ship. I wouldnt concern myself with the difference between obstacles, enemies or terrain. I would just get any collision detection down since it will all mostly be detrimental ( until we introduced power ups or something positive )

I would NOT worry about moving enemies because I think that will require more thought about when to detroy them, how they move and we will have to do collision anyway with them and other things.

So I feel like collision detection should be next.

  1. Work on collisions with obstacles and enemies.
  2. Work on enemies movement.
  3. Work on player and enemies ability to shoot.

I would add a collision system for the terrain, obstacles, and enemies. Looking back at Project Bost, its collision system should function well for this project.

My next steps would be

  1. Add collision detection, and explode player ship if it collides with any other objects.
  2. Map bullet particles to input.
  3. Get enemies to fire at player when close.
  4. Work on enemy movement.
  1. Handle collision detection and hookup of explosion particle system with terrain

  2. Same again with enemy ships

  3. Handle collisions between particle effects and ships vs terrain

  4. Introduce enemy ship health (rather than instakill)

My next steps would be:

  1. Make aiming possible and as smooth as I can
  2. Make enemies destructible
  3. Make an enemy spawning systems that spawns more enemies as you complete circuits
  4. Add a death system and collision

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