5.112: Reduce, reuse, re-Evee.. Cycle

Here are my basic lamp Evee and Cycles light setups.

  1. Cycles

  2. Evee

I noticed in my Version of Blender, 2.91, I that I could not adjust the shadow softness. There is an option in the render settings, but it is only a tick box rather than a scaling bar. It seems that I must either have too soft of shadows, or have a cartoony abstract shadow. But the second option does not bother me, I kind of like it.


The good news is with CyclesX coming through we may be able to abandon Eevee!

Soon be making the real Lamp now!

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I downloaded the blender 2.92 and the cycles was running faster.

The size of the lamp makes the shadow softer.
Point lamps are ‘pointy’.


That is a good way to think about it :thinking:

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