Really nice hard-surface modeling. And nice job separating the roughness/metallic on the blade. Really sells the realism.
That glowing red edge looks awesome! Sweet-looking knife.
EDIT Updated based on feedback
Working on my blade - no clue what this sword is. It’s kind of taking on a life of its own. Not sure how much more I’ll get done on it before the end of day Saturday.
The handle is a bit out of scale / feel.
I love the idea and the looks, but I don’t see the handle. Is it the final size? It looks a bit like something that would be still stuck into a handle.
I agree with the two previous comments on the handle/grip. It does seem short for the length of the blade. Also it gets wider as you move towards the blade. This will make holding it a major pain.
Sweet. Thanks for the feedback, all. It does look rather unwieldy at the moment. I’ll fix that before Saturday.
Yes, that looks like something I could hold.
That fire is mesmerizing! I stared at it for over a minute straight. Really nice animation!
I have to agree, the edited version looks much better. And nice design by the way.
Nice spice! :D. Looks really great. What if you took the ambient light out and only had an overhead spot or area light focused on the dart board. So there was only that light and the soft, reddish glow of the knife? Talk about spicey .
I thought about doing a Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto set. To display them I was going to build a 3 sword rack and make a pedistal to put it on with nice artwork behind. I like the detailed artwork on the tsuba. I would suggest reducing the roughness and increasing the metalic on the habaki to give it more of a copper metal appearance.
We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your entry.
The new subject week 8 “Carnival” has already started. The winner of this week’s “Swords and Knives” challenge may select a subject for next week 9 and win a badge.
0 voters
Nice thought, I see it would work very well. Lightning is my weak spot overall, usually, it takes me a long time to decide on it. I need to work on theory more I guess.
All renders are great this week, it is very hard choice
Really awesome renders this week great work
Thank you for your comments. I did not take into account that I would spend time on the katana, and then I would like to show the details instead of a large blade with a pending list of details to go . The idea of wakizashi would have been great and I would have been able to show it all!
The materials are not too bad, but the environment and the blade need more work (the blade was to have a hamon that would simply have made it way more visible, it has a slight damascus effect that helps a lot with visibility, but still…!), and the material in the seppa is too polished to show the brushed copper in the habaki properly (mutual reflections are killing it here) … and I really need to remember that lighting is not something you work on at the end, particularly when you use metals and transparent things. All in all, it needed more work !
I am definitely going to continue with this one, though, it is a project I had in mind time ago, and I am enjoying it a lot.
Congratulations @mfortunato for your design of a luxurious and detailed weapon. Despite the visible signs of use, the weapon gives more of a feeling of luxury than that of a utilitarian object.
- Megane_Wang - Your struggle with presenting is very recognizable. I often find that a difficult subject myself. Maybe some research (references) would have helped. But presenting is also a part of the story you want to illustrate.
- Michael_Legrande - Your model looks good. Simple and effective. You still had enough time to work on the presentation. The scene is very static. Knife upright, full front. Playing with light reflections could have made it more exciting.
- Srl1 - The idea of a glass knife or dagger is a very nice subject to model. Because it gives you the opportunity to play with light and reflections (diamonds…). You could develop the idea further.
- Joey_Cuevas - A nice sketch to start with! It gives inspiration. And the animation is very well done. The repetition is not recognizable with regard to the flame. Maybe a different flame color to make it not look too much like a flame, which is the reference of the viewer.
Note: I don’t want to offend anyone. I try to write down positive ideas and visions in my simple use of the English language. I am also sometimes more inspired by a particular subject or solution. I’m also learning from you!