2022 Collab: Week 48 "Office supplies" - VOTE CLOSED

I couldn’t agree more. I can’t remember having such a great collection of entries to vote for in one single Collab. :slight_smile:


Damn that’s cool… maybe you should consider a career desgning office supplies :thinking: :wink: :+1:

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I sincerely hope that future offices on space stations will all have that certain futuristic and calm flair :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Will,
I really like your work, but one thing hits my eye and irritates me a lot.
Please do not understand my message as criticising your work, but maybe you find something to think about and develop your art further in it, at least that’s my motivation on writing this to you.
Well, with this said:

What irritates me is the compostion.
The table, picture, machine itself, pencil and bottle of (don’t know the english term for this correction white, so I’ll keep refering to “the bottle”) look very organised and even the ground fits into this.
The only thing which is out of this system is appearently the paper on the table.

Instead of turning the paper to make it fit into the geometrical system I’d turn the bottle of white a few grades around Z axis to break the system even further. Keeping a clear, organised system at work places is hard enough already, keeping it up with geometrical accuracy seems almost impossible and also kind of sterile, as if no person ever touches the workplace and the devices.
Even a tiny turn of the bottle and maybe the pencil around the Z axis could help to let the scene feel more alive, closer and easier to identify with for the person who’s looking at it.

The other thing about composition which hits my eye even harder is the sheet of paper which sticks in the typewriter; there’s nothing wrong with it, but the upper edge of it is almost perfectly parallel and congruent with the edge of the typewriter. If it overlapped the edge of the typewriter, may it be by just a tiny little bit or a bit more, it possibly made the entire scene look more realistic.

Tidy arrangements are products of peoples efforts to organize, but organized systems fall back into more and more chaotic states over time and start to do so the very moment they are established, just think of dust :slight_smile:

Ok, sorry for texting so much upon this topic, I really like your work and the items look great.
No offence meant towards it in any way.

Happy blending :pray:


I don’t mind criticisms btw , but yeah I agree I actually wanted to have papers scattered with stuff typed on them, wanted an actual wooden textured table, a lamp and other stuff.
But don’t have much time nowadays, doing a full stack web developer course, trying to finish it before the new year, and also its that time of the year. Didn’t enter the last couple so felt like I needed to do something.


I see; yes, limited time can be a terrible thing for sure :unamused:
Good luck with the web developer course :+1:


This is a tough one, I had to give it to @Cathy_N, the style is just too cute and something we often don’t see during a collab, even if the shadows don’t necessarily behave correctly (I’m looking at you, notebook :face_with_monocle:)


Thank you so much! I completely agree! Since that type of shading ignores gradient and uses flat colours to render light and shadow, the end result looks quite different on flat objects as opposed to objects with more volume. I had the same problem with the table which I fixed by adding more geometry (placed gaps in between the planks). I couldn’t come up with anything to fix the book though because books are flat and don’t really have any texture. Now that I think about it, I should’ve probably inflated the centre of the book ever so slightly to get a better looking shadow… Oh well, it’s too late now! :smiley:


I decided to take it a bit further… and made V2 version :grin:


Great changes I like the upper window blind with its shadows across the room.

Advanced artificial gravity they have! Something almost all sci-fi assumes will ever be possible.


Thank you! I did change a lot there:

  • redid the lighting from scratch,
  • reduced desk height, made the monitor bigger
  • more cables!
  • removed top lamps (couldn’t denoise it enough, even increasing max bonuces and sample count to high values didn’t help), replaced those with cables
  • added window shades
  • added more devices, boxes and overall more clutter
  • changed the camera angle and focal lenght
  • moved objects around

Yes! But I’ve assumed this is rotating habitat, something that’s actually possible to do :smiley:


I noticed the extras, clutter and plant etc. Only thing I might say is it is very clean and tidy. Now you can say tech keeps it all that way, but it might look more ‘real’ if lived in. Everything is brand new out of the box. Plant could have a leaf at the dying stage and a new leaf ‘bud’ in the center top. etc.
Do you need a wastepaper basket? lol see above.

And Yes! All spacecraft should be circular , spinning, or based on it for artificial gravity I have long thought that.


I hopoe the plant likes the interstellar sort of light; live as a space office person ain’t easy :roll_eyes:


@Cathy_N congratulations on your winning entry “Office Supplies”. Beautiful cel-shading technique. Good use of color and the composition is very nice. All elements are clearly visible and recognizable. Details in the right places. Well done!

  • bOBoN - An excellent presentation of office stock assets, in a beautiful Sci-fy environment. But I miss the connection to office supplies. It’s more of a generic office.
  • Ginger - I love your model and presentation. I think more fiddling with the lights could improve the scene.
  • Joey_Cuevas - Your models are detailed, on the scale, and realistic. But also unexpected in the creative way you’ve used them. The lighting is good but could have softer shadows. The scene could be more playful (a lot of items aligned to the wall).
  • NP5 - A really fun outcome. I think its presence is too simple. You could have filled it with office supplies rubbish. Maybe you did this with geo-nodes?
  • Suryansh - I love the design. It’s more of an instrument panel feel than a calculator. I think its presentation could be improved to emphasize the calculator, and office supplies feel.
  • Willrun - I really like your typewriter. But as mentioned earlier, look at references. Don’t work from memory. Try to improve the lighting in your scenes.
  • zeRgenTa - For me, this is a very realistic-looking scene of office supplies. It looks simple, but it has potential. You only needed some additional improvements in the next step of realism. I bit of rotation on box z-ax. Less perpendicular to the wall. A bit more bevel to the box, especially the contact area box table (shadow). Maby give it some dents or bruises.
  • Cows - The lamp design is nice. And adding details could improve the composition. Strangely enough, I couldn’t tell, if the lamp is turned on or off. The light beam is very wide and doesn’t cast a shadow. Attention to small details improves a lot.
  • FedPete - It’s a paper clip! So what were you planning to do with this asset?

Note: I don’t want to offend anyone for any reason. I try to write down positive ideas and visions that I have in my simple use of the English language. I am also sometimes more inspired by a particular subject or solution. I’m also learning from you!


Thanks for the advice. In hindsight, I don’t know how I missed the sharp edges.
I took the time to implement your suggestions and here are the results.

Oh, thanks for telling me about the blackbody node. I think it’s going to become my go-to for lighting.

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No really simple.

Cylinder or cone, shaped, loop cut, Poke faces, Dissolve original direction edges, Wireframe mod, done. Probably harder going backwards to make the image above. lol.
Yes thought if I found time I would try crumpled paper, but life did not work out.


Hey, I don’t seem to see a week 49 and we might even be onto 50 at this point. is the collab still going? I like to check in every so often and was sad to see there wasnt a current challenge, unless I just didnt see it.

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Yes there is a longer term Christmas one.


I made another experiment… used stable diffusion outpainting to extend that render… and than used inpainting to change some stuff (like a chair). Results are… interesting.


Certainly a credible extension.
The chair is worse, but it started very good.

Might be worth a new thread showing the stages next to one another and explaining outpainting and back inpainting?


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