2022 Collab: Week 13 “Snowflake society" - CLOSED

I agree that perceptions are different and that’s exactly why it’s tricky to have a political theme that represents one specific view. Also, I wasn’t saying that it forces you to side with the view. I was speculating about the perception of newcomers. If you are browsing threads on the forum for the first time and come across a very politically charged topic with some very expressive opinions, it gives the wrong idea for obvious reasons. But again, I’m not entirely sure if this collab is meant to attract new people or keep the regulars interested. Political topics like this one will unlikely succeed at both.

Anyway, I don’t really see what the fuss is about. It’s not like anyone complained or was offended. Some people didn’t have time, others simply weren’t interested enough to make an entry. It’s not that deep really! :smiley: I doubt anyone thought twice about the subject and was actually bothered by it.


Yup. For all my paragraphs, this was all the thought I gave it last week…

Me: pulls up the thread …Meh. glances over shoulder Hey, what’s a good prompt for this week?
Spouse: Flying giraffe.

And that was that.


I think it is a good idea for anyone with an idea of a topic to just put that idea forward. Anyone wanting to work on that idea can do so. The topic might generate a discussion as this one did. I think that is good. Nobody actually discussed the pros and cons of snowflake-ism, which would have made it a political discussion. The discussion became about perceptions, and again, I think that is good. There was also talk about the different depictions, which is more important. This is just an aside.

It seems to me, in the short time I’ve been on this course that the people who post are non-aggressive, friendly, helpful and wanting to learn what the course teaches. Topics will not deter or attract other people, I don’t think. As you say, if they did, who is to know it wouldn’t be six of one and half a dozen of the other :joy:

And now, back to my entanglements with sculpting. Anyone else finding that it is mesmerising and incredibly easy to just sculpt and then realise several hours have gone by?


“Just ten more minutes.”

8 hours later… :sweat_smile:


@sezpul , congratulations for your winning entry of “Snowflake society”. A difficult subject leading to much debate in this collab. But besides that, your composition looks good. The image reads well, looking from left to right. A nice visual “guide” line from top left to bottom right. I don’t know if it reflects “Snowflake society” and I don’t want to initiate a new discussion. But technically speaking, it’s well performed Blender project!

  • NP5 - I think there’s is to much going on in this scene. Difficult to focus, to look at items, interpreting them. And yes it was a strange, difficult subject.
  • Kasimir - In Blender difficulty, it is too simple. But personally, because of the text and visualization. It explained to me, in a clear way, how your interpreted “Snowflake society” at best. Your entry had Infotainment quality. I learned the most from your entry about those snowflakes and why they are so fragile.

Dear Blender Community,
It was a difficult and for me personally unclear topic. But we are a group of creative people. With different cultural backgrounds. Let’s not forget that. But we also need to understand new Blender students, who already have enough problems learning Blender. And a difficult subject does not help.

The purpose of Blender Collab is to have fun with Blender and to learn from each other. Exchanging experience, ideas and maybe friendship.



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