2021 Collab: Week 32 “Mousetrap” - CLOSED

In the graph editor, you can use a repeat motion. which repeats the fan blade 360 degrees rotation, n-times.
No driver needed.


Gosh that is complex!. lol I just keyframed a start position and an end position lots of degrees of rotation higher. I suppose I could have calculated x rotations per second or something, but actually it was drag that number up a lot, hit it and see approach.
I probably should have made it stay running as nothing actually turns it off in the sequence of actions. So My story is the fuse blew soon after the ball got where it was supposed to!


Yes, it made me do something new, or out of my habits. So much I thought of while doing it. I had the mouse already but really for a proper story the mouse needs rigging, animating, so it walks into the scene, finds the cheese, thinks about approaching it, checks about for cats, etc. I could cut scene to the mouse looking up when the dominoes clatter etc. Sigh, so much that could be built in. The ball drop could have been much more complicated too.

But I had to keep it simple it was only a few days to make it. :rofl:


Yeah it was the (possibly) learning something new (I don’t know what you do or don’t know) that I posted.

I’ve played about with drivers a little and I like the possibilities… can be tricky (and frustrating at times), but picking up a little bit of the unknown here and there is great for progressing.


Your painting is brilliant, really amazing work! Loves Jess xxx

You did amazing work in few days and texture of scene is awesome. :clap:

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Mate you and the group have gotten so good it’s mind blowing! Back in the early days when the collab first started we would all post like a car or gun we built …basically 1 model we worked on now the scenes you guys are posting are world class!
Are these scenes created from scratch and all models or it’s a combination of pictures with some models made for the scene? I’m guessing the second as most of them look like they would take months to make!
I have been out of the blender scene for years had some IRL dramas occur where I could no longer devote the time needed but recently got back into it …amazing how much I remember but I was never that good at it …still fun to play with though …so many things have changed in blender itself it’s evolving fast :slight_smile: …where the hell did remove doubles go lol I keep finding things that I have to go look up as it’s either gone or has a different way to accomplish it haha
Seriously though fedpete you guys are so good at this now I’m surprised your nott all working as modellers making the next big video game right now , or maybe you are! Amazing what this has evolved into you guys are really awesome! I know how hard it all is and I’m just thrilled to see how great everyone here has become at all of this ! I wouldn’t even dare try and post a scene or model in the collab hahah but I’m watching again you guys are amazing artists!


Hi, thank you for your nice reply!

I think it is how much time you spend and a bit of talent to understand, see-through 3D development. I personally spend too much time on this. But to say I’m GameDev ready, I think not.
The 3D business is growing fast with new tools and predefined stuff is huge. Like motion capture. You download and implement motion (like Mixamo). Also models, textures all available in huge libraries.
So while we are learning Blender, commerce is building processes and automation around this. Making games, animation, etc. easier for the end-user. Less technical, more creative.

But it is really fun to be part of it.

The entries in the weekly collab are mostly done in the week itself. Some will re-use objects. Or redo them, because it (because of practice) is easy to do. My mousetrap was all done in a weeks span. All-new, simple models. Cheese, a cube with boolean spheres. The mouse is a simple object with a bit of low sculpting (three spheres and two disks for the ears). But, for me, after several years of Blender, it became natural to me.

Info: The " Remove doubles" is renamed into “merge by distance”. Which is a better functional description .

Just participate, have fun. It doesn’t need to be high quality. Just learn and experiment.

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