16 Geometry Brushes - missing Template_default (on MacOS Unreal 5.0)

Unreal 5.0 C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games - EARLY ACCESS

Geometry Brushes (BSP) | GameDev.tv about 30 seconds into video.

The referenced template doesn’t exist; which one to choose on MacOS?

Expected -

That appears to be an Early Access thing not a macOS thing. Go with Basic, it’s not exactly the same but it serves the same purpose.

Thank you for the feedback; yes Basic works the same.
One more thing i) in topic Actor Components we copy paste the blueprint (game logic) into Main; [strikethrough]update: nevermind - (the icon - for the blueprint tab - is showing ‘broken blueprint’)[/strikethrough] then next lecture (topic: Collision Meshes) you don’t have the blueprint tab open; how did you ‘fix’ that (save failed with error for me).

The asset ‘/Game/Main’ (Main.umap) failed to save.

Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.

Message Log - Can’t save …/…/…/…/…/…/gridhawk/Documents/Unreal Projects/WarehouseWreckage/Content/Main.umap: Graph is linked to object World /Game/StarterContent/Maps/Minimal_Default.Minimal_Default (StaticMeshActor_0_ExecuteUbergraph_Main_RefProperty) in external map

Could you provide timestamps for the parts you are talking about so I understand the context?

I worked around it by re-creating the game logic; good exercise to improve muscle memory on the topics covered during Warehouse Wreckage. Copying the blueprint then to another Level (select Basic this time) worked without issues (I might have used Blank before).
Thanks again for following up. Next Obstacle Assault. Take care and stay safe!

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Yeah, this is a problem because the templates have changed in the release. I’ve updated the video to mention this.

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